about me

I am I 36 year old nurse, mum and wife, always looking for more, always wanting more, constantly thinking there has to be more to life. I was having a hard time at work, struggling with a work life balance, feeling unsatisfied in my job, wanting to quit and just wanting to be at home more with my 2 children. I was missing a lot at home, but being the main bread winner meant I had to keep working full-time in a job I really did not enjoy. Nursing is a very demanding job, physically and mentally and I feel once you’ve lost your spark for it, it tends to be difficult to get it back. So, after constantly thinking what else can I do, what can I do that brings in the same money, scrolling for ideas and jobs I felt downhearted. Then I decided to take control of my life and my happiness. I started doing more research on how to be happier and enjoy life more, how to improve my wellness and mindfulness, I listened to podcasts, I did things that made me happy, I did courses in things that I enjoyed in my free time and made sure I took time to myself. I have always wanted to write but also wanted to help people (hence going into nursing) so while swimming I had a thought, why not write a blog, be a blogger who really dives into wellness and mindfulness, be that blogger who helps other women and men to find enjoyment in life. After a long time planning and researching Wave of Wellness was born. I hope we can all ride this wave together, be more present and find the enjoyment in life again.